Between May 2021 and the end of 2022, the building contractor PS AIDACO GROUP carried out the energy efficiency improvements. A new dome structure made of self-supporting CLT panels was built over the historic metal structure of the dome towards the exterior, a load-bearing frame and foundation were installed, a new roof covering was laid, and the external rainwater system was renewed, new utilities were installed, the façade was insulated, and the courtyard was rebuilt. The interior of the building combines the industrial laconism of the architectural firm NRJA with the warmth of the historical heritage, while the silhouette of the façade is close to the original historical form of the building. The reconstruction has enabled the circus arena to be transformed and adapted to the needs of a modern circus.
The preparation and successful implementation of the EU support project was managed by the team of SIA Global Consulting.
The total investment in the first phase of the circus reconstruction project, attracted by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia, amounts to around EUR 5.5 million. A part of the costs is covered within the framework of project No. “Implementation of energy efficiency improvement measures for the building at 4 Merķeļa Street, Riga" implemented under the Specific Support Objective “to promote energy efficiency improvement in public and residential buildings” of the Operational Programme “Growth and Employment”.
The eligible costs of the project co-financed by the EU Funds are EUR 2,980,880, of which the planned support from the European Regional Development Fund is EUR 2,533,748, i.e., 85% of the eligible costs of the project, and the co-financing from the state budget is EUR 447,132, i.e., 15% of the eligible costs of the project.